Muslims Should be Insulted
Posted By Alan Partis on September 9, 2010
So let me get this straight: an American threatens to burn some qurans and everyone gets their panties in a bunch afraid that Muslims, the practitioners of a so-called “religion of peace,” will turn violent and kill people. In response, some Muslims do more than make threats, they actually burn American flags while Americans (mostly Christian) hardly take notice and go on about their business.
So two questions:
- Which religion, based on actual demonstrated behavior, actually IS one of peace?
- Aren’t all the political leaders behaving in a way that implies they do actually believe that Muslims are violent and incapable of brushing off an insult without killing people?
So, shouldn’t all the Muslims who really ARE peaceful be insulted by the talking heads who, while piously claiming to believe all followers of Islam are as pure as the wind driven snow, are demonstrating otherwise?
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Alan Partis, Alan Partis. Alan Partis said: Islam is a religion of peace? They want to kill people who insult them? #quran […]
Update: that American DID finally burn some qurans … and some muslims DID prove how violent and thin-skinned they are by actually killing some people in response. The media proved how ignorant, biased, and afraid they are by justifying the killings and supporting the muslims by pointing out that muslims believe the quran is the holy word of God while The Bible is just “inspired” by God.
Sadly, Muslims have proven to be World Champions Victims. They are the most thin-skinned, most easily offended, people on the planet. It has become patently obvious that these people are very often completely incapable of ignoring any kind of affront to their sensibilities … while Americans must suffer all manner of indignities and offenses without the slightest reaction, no matter the provocation.
I am truly and deeply saddened by the current state of affairs in our society. Liberals have become true slave master of the masses of Lenin’s “useful idiots.” Education and true enlightenment are the keys to any meaningful rebirth of reason and a return to social sanity.