Obama is a Socialist
Alan Partis | October 31, 2008
One of the popular solutions often put forth on how to ‘fix’ health care in the US is this one: if you’re required to have car insurance, why not health insurance?
Alan Partis | October 31, 2008
One of the popular solutions often put forth on how to ‘fix’ health care in the US is this one: if you’re required to have car insurance, why not health insurance?
Alan Partis | October 20, 2008
I don’t think you really grasp the concept of political parties and the American election process very well. If you’re not a member of a particular party, why should you be involved in helping to nominate their candidate?
Alan Partis | October 17, 2008
So the real question is for individual voters to have enough of a clue about themselves to know how to vote.