Stone Pigs

undeniable underlying truths

Growing the Lexicon

New words/terms that I’ve created:


Like halitosis meaning ‘oral malodor,’ this term refers to a condition whereby your brain produces an offensive ‘odor’ causing you to say and do stupid things without thinking.


electile dysfunction
The inability to be aroused by any candidate in an election.

note: I didn’t create this new term, rather I encountered this elsewhere on the net and felt it was worth adding here.


situational myopia
An inability to see past your immediate reality to the bigger picture around you.  The proverbial “failure to see the forest for the trees.”


stone pig
A Stone Pig is an undeniable underlying truth.  To quote Thomas Jefferson from the United States Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self evident.”  In other words, they are things which are simply accepted as fact; they are indisputable.  They are the basis of other thoughts upon which we can build, and from which we reach higher conclusions.

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