Obama’s War
Posted By Alan Partis on March 24, 2011
I find it curious how “the left” is so supportive of Obama with regard to our military operations in Libya. They say he first took a very deliberative approach and built an international coalition via the flag of the UN and the Security Council. Frankly, Bush did precisely the same thing before going into Iraq. In fact, Bush went in with a large international coalition, including Britain, Spain, Australia, Japan i.e. some of the largest countries in the world … AND in support of MANY unanimous Security Council resolutions.
The differences with today in Libya:
- France took the clear international lead by diplomatically recognizing the so-called rebels.
- Britain followed suit … and Obama brought up the rear like an afraid little kid running after the school bus in the morning.
- This international coalition includes France and Italy, but does not include Australia and Japan.
- The UN Security Council was NOT unanimous — 5 nations (Russia, China, Germany, India, and Brazil) abstained from voting.
- Congressional approval for military action, much less an actual Declaration of War, was neither sought nor obtained by Obama (unlike the near unanimous votes of approval Bush sought and obtained well before actions began in either Afghanistan and Iraq).
- Obama finally addressed the Nation on the issue 10 days after the start of military actions — Bush addressed the Nation before initiating any action in either Iraq or Afghanistan.
On one thing the left IS right — Obama’s action in Libya is nothing like Bush’s action in Iraq.
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