Manhood Missing in Denmark
Posted By Alan Partis on January 5, 2010
According to a story in the Times Online1 regarding a recent attempt to murder Kurt Westergaard at his home in Denmark, I believe that the “Man Council” may need to convene and consider revoking Mr. Westergaard’s manhood.
For those unfamiliar, Mr. Westergaard, from Denmark, is the cartoonist who drew an image of Islam’s Muhammad as a suicide bomber with a bomb in his turban. His drawing sparked world wide mayhem and unrest among the radical wing of Islam.
According to the story, Mr. Westergaard was at home on this particular evening and “looking after” his 5-year-old granddaughter.
The assailant broke in by smashing a window with an axe. Mr. Westergaard’s response was to press an alarm button to summon police and sequester himself in his “panic room.”
He did not have time to collect the child from the living room before locking himself into a “panic room,” a specially fortified bathroom. He said the assailant had shouted “swear words, really crude words” and shrieked about “blood” and “revenge,” as he smashed the axe in vain against the bathroom door.
“I feared for my grandchild,” he told Jyllands-Posten, the newspaper that had commissioned the cartoon. “But she did great. I knew that he wouldn’t do anything to her.” He went on: “It was close, really close. But we did it.”
Though he claimed that he feared for his grandchild, he clearly didn’t give her the benefit of protection of his panic room. Instead he left her completely unprotected and at the mercy of an obvious mad man. Did he not realize that his attacker might use the girl as a hostage or make threats against her to coerce him out of his powder room? Would she not be more traumatized having to fend for herself? I cannot imagine what she saw and went through.
Perhaps Denmark’s definition of manhood differs from my own, but this guy must surely fail to meet any threshold.
1 Panic room saved artist Kurt Westergaard from Islamist assassin, Matthew Campbell, The Sunday Times, TimesOnline, January 3, 2010.